Name: Taillight Tint Vinyl-Film-Sticker Smoke-Film Automobiles Matt Black Sheet Rear-Lamp 30--100cm
SKU: bY3k58zn
Rated 4.8/5
based on 126 Reviews
Karlor Official Store
Price :$2.99 In stock
Best Exterior Accessories from Karlor Official Store for Taillight Tint Vinyl-Film-Sticker Smoke-Film Automobiles Matt Black Sheet Rear-Lamp 30--100cm
Besides that there are many drawbacks of getting Taillight Tint Vinyl-Film-Sticker Smoke-Film Automobiles Matt Black Sheet Rear-Lamp 30--100cm from a nearby shop. First of all it can be incredibly time and money consuming. Nobody offers enough time to visit various stores and pick out the one which best suits their requirement. Secondly the sellers have small amount of goods to display at their shops. So you will be have no other choice but to make variety from what is displayed. This can be tough for you as every single consumer has different requirements. Another problem you will encounter is the fact you would not have enough time to compare prices and other parts between different item and if you chose something which you find out later that it is out of the league, it can be really frustrating....Check Coupon
Customer reviews:
Date: 28 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
I should mention that I didn't get this for my car, but rather to dim some LEDs, such as the ones on my routers. They've been pissing me off for a while now and I was looking for a cheap solution. This is defnitely it, although you might need multple layers since it wasn't meant to lower the light intensity (otherwise it would be bad, for using on headlights). Anyways it arrived in tact, it wasn't bent or crooked in any way, although it wasn't packaged in any special manner. I used some of it on my routers and you can see some bad pictures of how it turned out. Bad because I forgot to take a before picture.. but whatever. I'm happy with the results and I can at least recommend it for the purpose that I used it for.
Date: 04 Dec 2020Logistics: Aliexpress Direct
segunda vez que compro então não tem muito o que falar, o produto é melhor dos que vendem aqui no brasil por ter um acabamento áspero, e eu prefiro assim, é fácil de aplicar e tem boa espessura
Date: 18 Mar 2021Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Пришло быстро! О качестве сказать ничего не смогу, брал для тонировки приборов в МОТО, там всё просто, затонирую с одной стороны, если потребуется с другой, стекла небольшие диаметр около 7-8 см. Тоесть по любому получится, а рекомендовать не стану, фара автомобиля это другое! Решайте сами!
Date: 05 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping
Заказывал 11.11, прибыло в Краснодар 04.12, на вид все ок, посмотрим когда наклею.
Date: 10 Dec 2020Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
Good product. Packed ok. Have litte scratch at center.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 15 Feb 2021Logistics: China Post Ordinary Small Packet Plus
Produto igual ao descrito Vendedor enviou rápido e chegou antes s do prazo.
Date: 15 Apr 2021Logistics: Cainiao Super Economy Global
I'm very satisfied
Date: 16 Dec 2020Logistics: AliExpress Saver Shipping